23rd September

Regent’s Park

Hobby: 3 single birds 2 very high birds headed north and another lingered for over 10 mins at 1.30pm.

Peregrine Falcon: one was stooped at by the later Hobby.

Swallow: over 24 birds trickled through.

House Martin: 8 were over the lake.

Yellow Wagtail: one was on the open spaces for over 10 minutes.

Grey Wagtail: 5 birds flew through, 2 others were around the lake.

Meadow Pipit: 18 flew south-west.

Wheatear: 2 were on the open spaces from 9.00am until at least 3.00pm.

Chiffchaff and Blackcaps: birds are still present in small numbers.






Regarding the chat bush .... shrike bush.....you couldn't plant an ouzle bush too could you?